
Magnetic Jewelry-Adding Health Benefits to You!

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Magnetic therapy has been into practice since a long time and there are a number of health advantages that magnetic jewelry can bring to your physical condition and wellbeing. It is in fact, considered as an unconventional form of medicine practice. The magnetic jewelries can add several benefits to a number of body parts and health related issues due to their magneto-static field effects. Wearing magnetic jewelry is a part of magnetic therapy and can bring various advantages to your health.

Another way in which magnetic jewelry produces positive effects to your wellbeing is also explained. There are ions in the body and when the balance of ions gets disturbed, the human body starts developing health issues such as organ malfunctioning, body pain as well as metabolic disorders. Such negative health conditions can be restored by balancing the ions in the body. This balance can be attained by the magnetic therapy, i.e., by the means of magnetic jewelry.

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Surprisingly, in the rising context of health benefits, the number of magnetic bracelets and jewelry a number of new designs has also come up. So, not only do these bracelets and jewelries bring health related benefits to you but also add to the trend of fashion jewelry. These look equally good as well.

Wearing bracelets is a trend, not just among women but also men. As a matter of fact, fashionable magnetic bracelets are very much in trend and bring favorable effects over your health, heart, body, soul and mind. In fact, the use of magnetic jewelry and its benefits on health dates back to centuries when magnetism was seen healthy first in Egypt, China and India. Magnetic jewelry, particularly magnetic bracelets can cure a number of ailments due to their therapeutic effects. Are you aware of the fact that when you wear magnetic bracelet, it attracts all the iron in your bloodstream and thereby increases the blood flow to that part of your body. Increase in blood flow is obviously considered very advantageous because it pumps in more oxygen and nutrition. As results, you can say that magnetic bracelets promote healing.

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The magnetic bracelets or any magnetic jewelry helps in healing and bringing the normal or positive effect on the state of health. Studies have unveiled that magnetic bracelets helps in restoration of human health by improving the health conditions of patients. Magnetic bracelets help in reducing pain on a particular body part which is wounded or unhealthy. Degeneration or inflammation of body cells can be restored and brought back to normal by magnetic jewelry. Professionals also believe that magnetic bracelets can help in the treatment of arthritis. In fact, ailments such as migraine and headache can also be cured with the help of magnetic bracelets. Regular use of magnetic bracelets is bound to bring positive effect on the patients of insomnia too. Unremitting and customary use of magnetic bracelets can bring calming effect on the health of people as well as bring regular and normal sleep to them. Unrecovered bone fractures as well as incontinence can also be cured with the help of magnetic effects of magnetic jewelries.

Glass Jewelry The World of Murano Glass Beads

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Seed bead or conterie

There are several major types of beads that are used all over the world to make glass jewelry.

Millefiori beads

pearl necklaces jewelry cheap |pearl necklaces jewelry china | pearl necklaces jewelry canada |By Kevin V Grinberg on March 22, 2011

It all starts with a bag of sand. It is truly fascinating how human ingenuity could transform what is basically ordinary silica sand, with some additional ingredients and a lot of fire, into such a magical medium as glass. It is even more fascinating to see the result of that same ingenuity, imagination and vision, which transformed glass into a number of different forms, using techniques invented through history. And to make the story even more fascinating, most of the glass jewelry making techniques were invented on a small island of Murano, near Venice in Italy. Once invented, the techniques remained more or less the same through centuries.

Lampwork or Perle a Lume Beads

Millefiori beads are made by melting together canes of different colors, which were cut once cold, to produce intricate patterns, which resemble lace. They are one of the most famous products of Murano glass and are used in many spectacular ways to make extremely beautiful glass jewelry and works of art.

Lampwork is also used to make wound beads, made by melting glass over a mandrel (a core). Originally, the Murano beads were wound over a ferrous mandrel called "fango". Since this word means mud in Italian, it is said that the mud was taken from the Venice lagoon, adding to the mystery of these beautiful beads.

Modest beginning

Since the Moretti Murano family started using copper mandrel in 1920s, this method became standard in making wound beads, and it also allowed for some interesting forms. The mandrel was cut off just below the bead and the bead was dunked in nitric acid. The acid dissolved the copper inside the bead and etched the interior surface in interesting patterns. Today, most murano glass bead makers use stainless steel or silver, for more delicate beads.

Seed beads are made from hollow thin glass tubes that are cut very fine and then re-fired to smooth the edges and add color. They are used to make intricate glass jewelry and festive clothes, especially wedding gowns. Seed beads have been used for centuries all over the world, and in many different parts of the world they became a part of native culture and art expression. Contemporary artists and artisans are also using seed beads to create jewelry which is limited in shape and form only by the artists' imagination. In the past, making bead jewelry in Murano was the job of women, while all other aspects of murano glass making were almost exclusively the domain of men.

Rosetta beads were invented in Murano in 14th century. They are made similarly to seed beads, from hollow glass canes. The canes were formed from six layers of glass of distinctive colors: white, blue, white, brick red, white and blue again. Once cut, the canes were made into beads with patterns of 5 concentric circles with twelve points.

Invention of lampwork technique, which allowed glass makers to heat glass with an oil lamp and shape it with different tools while hot, offered bead makers a whole new field of creativity. They found out that they could melt already produced canes and then blow the glass, creating very intricate shapes, which were then cut into beads. This method is called Filigrana, and is now copied all over the world. Some contemporary artists are using this ancient Murano glass technique to produce spectacular, but not always wearable, glass jewelry. It is not easy to hang around the neck a necklace made of fragile large sky blue blown beads, like those made by well known glass artist Giorgio Vigna, shown recently at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York.

Each blown bead has to be made by hand and each is a piece of art in itself, even before artists add their own imagination to their placement. Some contemporary glass artists blow their own beads, but many import them from Murano.

Blown Beads

Rosetta or Chevron beads

Glass jewelry has been around for thousands of years, to decorate necks, fingers, ears and clothes of ladies and gentlemen, rich and poor, all over the world. They are adorning ladies of Masai in Africa, of Dayak in Borneo or of Hopi in the New World. Like drops of light, colorful beads are woven, strung, melted or imbedded, to form thousands of shapes and forms, often kept in the same family or tribe for hundreds of years.

How to Find The Best Jewelry Store

By Stephanie Scott on August 13, 2011

You may own one or several pieces of jewelry. Most of them were probably given to you, either handed down from generation to generation, or as gifts from your partner. Nevertheless, you're fortunate enough to have some sort of collection. However, if you're thinking of buying one for yourself or as gift for another person, then you have your work cut out for you. With the number of jewelry stores in your area and online, the search could be pretty daunting. So the first important thing you need to do is to find the best jewelry store.

There are many types of jewelry stores. There are the designer jewelers like Cartier and Tiffany & Co., chain stores that are usually found in shopping centers and malls, independent merchants who offer more unique and classic but understandably more expensive pieces, and the online retailers who are,cartier love ring gold price, of course, found online. Given these different types of jewelry stores, your preference of store may be affected by several factors:

type of jewelry history, referrals, or recommendations free time budget or price range distance or proximity convenience knowledge level of security preferred mode of payment urgency

Narrow down your search using the abovementioned factors. Covering the basics would help you cut down on the unnecessary time wasters like going to an artisan or independent merchant when you really need a more modern piece which you can find either online or at chain stores, or trying to scour several online stores when you were already given recommendations by friends or relatives.

After covering the basics, it's time to dig deeper. Know the store and the person you're buying from. Even if you do decide to go to designer jewelers like Tiffany & Co., do your research still. See if the store nearest your house has already received complaints, if their affiliations with authority organizations like Better Business Bureau are up to date, if they're known to sell only authentic pieces validated by accredited groups, if they have master gemologists, if they give appraisals, warranties, certificates, and more.

Choose a store that has very knowledgeable, efficient, and trust worthy staff members. Again, you have to do your research. There are unpaid and authorized reviews on jewelry stores available online. For example,cartier love necklace yellow gold, Top Consumer Reviews has released their list of 2011's 10 best online jewelry stores based on selection, cost, and customer service.

Follow your instincts. If you're having qualms about giving away your credit card number to an online store, then don't. If you prefer the traditional way of shopping for jewelry like physically going to a store and talking to a person face to face, then do it. There are online jewelry stores that do have secure connections and sites, but if you're really not that comfortable, then forget it. At the end of the day, it's your decision.

There really is no set of codes or commandments in choosing the best jewelry store. People have varying preferences. What works for some may not work for others. In the end, all that matters are your needs.

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the MLA Ad Hoc Committee's Agenda

By Kitty Lee on September 25, 2010

A key part of the MLA Ad Hoc Committee's agenda for developing students' translingual and transcultural competence calls for creating interdisciplinary, team-taught courses, and English scholars are well positioned to contribute to this effort. These courses, the Committee explains, would link English-language courses and credit-bearing discussion modules that together explore topics such as language acquisition theory, various popular and professional texts from the linguistic community, and the dominant cultural narratives shaped by these texts (Foreign 239). Byrnes has criticized the MLA Ad Hoc Committee on this point, arguing that "[interdisciplinary work will downplay the role of language and language acquisition, precisely because this is Links Of London Bracelets not the major interest of colleagues in history or art or philosophy or political science, or gender or film studies, who might contribute to this kind of interdisciplinary enterprise".

Byrnes's concern is significant,cartier love charity bracelet sale, but this investment in developing multiple literacies is one that Byrnes and the Ad Hoc Committee share with English scholars, particularly those in rhetoric and composition studies. Many compositionists have begun to design vertical curricula that give students opportunities to practice writing in a variety of academic and public settings, with the aim of acquiring both advanced linguistic competencies in English and "a deep understanding of rhetorical situatedness" (Miles et al. 508). Given their commitment to teaching students both to produce texts and to gain meta-level knowledge of a language, English scholars can forge important pedagogical collaborations with foreign language scholars toward developing students' advanced literacies across linguistic and cultural contexts. Rhetoric and composition scholars could make a valuable contribution to team-teaching efforts, for example, by designing courses in which students learn about the rhetorical traditions of the language community that they are studying and also practice composing texts for multiple writing situations. These courses linking foreign languages and rhetorical education could help students learn, in David Fleming's words, what "speakers, writers,cartier love charity bracelet 2011, readers, and listeners need to know in order to 'become rhetorical'" within a particular linguistic and cultural community. Working with colleagues in foreign language departments, composition scholars could develop an upper-division sequence of rhetoric and writing courses through which students learn how the cultural, political, and social resources of a linguistic community give shape to what Fleming calls the "argumentative form" of that group's public texts.

By performing various writing exercises in the target language, students also would sharpen their abilities to adapt the "typical moves" in the culture's "civil repertoire" to their own rhetorical purposes, all while reflecting on how their appropriation of these moves comes from within their own cultural and linguistic positioning as an "outsider." Such an interdisciplinary sequence of courses, a sequence pairing foreign language reading and writing with the study of cultural rhetorics and rhetorical theories, could deepen students' transcultural and translingual competence, as they gain advanced language literacies while also understanding how a particular language group's members reproduce their worldviews through rhetorical practice. Expanding our vision of rhetorical education in this way to include engagement with foreign language education can Links Of London Necklaces be a productive move to make as English scholars attempt to broaden the notion of "civic engagement" that a national language policy would foster.

A team taught, multilingual approach to rhetorical education would help students develop the linguistic and rhetorical skills necessary to communicate across multiple language and cultural groups. Equally as important, rhetorically based language pedagogy can heighten students' appreciation of language as a lens that shapes how people see the world and interpret experiences. The ends of such rhetorical education do not become those of acquiring language for cultural and linguistic mastery over "enemies" and "others" mastery that exacerbates global conflict. Instead, a multilingual approach to rhetorical education can foster students' commitment to cross language practices that foster deeper understanding and respect for cultural knowledge and worldviews.

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Cartier Ballon Bleu Replica Watch Stands Out In the Crowd

By Kitty Lee on April 20,cartier love bracelet white gold sale, 2011

One of the lots of acclimatized watch designs attainable is the Cartier Ballon Bleu watch. The ancient Ballon Bleu comes encased in breathing and a tremendous adaptable strap. The face of the watch has a tremendous dial. Amidst the positions of four and 5 alternating anxiety positions, there is a babyish accoutrement bold the date. The watch has an accoutrement that screws down and has a tremendous cabochon set in.

The watch was the ancient waterproof design. This is because it was originally brash for a Ballon Bleu (hence the name) who basic to chafe a watch while swimming. The watch is advancing at up to one-hundred meters. It has ashamed afresh become one of the basic waterproof watches on the market.

The ancient Cartier Ballon Bleu watch architectonics was accompanied with a authentic applique covering, abounding like what was acclimated with army watches. The banal accessory and annular face, however, set it distant from added watches. The architectonics of the watch is a complete bender for women and men. The outstanding adeptness and beside adeptness enlarges its exclusivity.

The Ballon Bleu architectonics has undergone change and its architectonics has currently been acclimated in its different sub-collections. Currently, there are added than forty-four Ballon Bleu models throughout the sub-collections. These models accoutrement styles for men, women, and unisex models.

Each of the acclimatized models is created in accordance with the ancient design. However, one amore that has been changes is that the watch is offered in added abstracts than just metal, but acclimatized gold, as able as white and blossom gold abstracts are provided. Some of the academy aloft models amore architectonics aural the setting. Some of the sub-collections amore different wrist straps. Some amore armlet adeptness or leather,cartier love bracelet gold replica, while some watches acquire capricious straps. Some models anxiety ashamed to the ancient architectonics with adaptable straps.

The Replica Cartier Ballon Bleu watch is a complete acclaimed watch. This is the ancient watch not brash by anyone from the ancient family. The burnished and admirable architectonics adds to its solid architectonics and appeal.

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Real And Fake perfect Copy Omega Replica Watch With Cheap Price on Aawatchreplica.com

By Haitang Yu on November 24, 2010

OMEGA SEAMASTER WATCHES READY FOR ADVENTURE? SO IS YOUR WATCH.OMEGA's love affair with the ocean dates back 1932 when the OMEGA Marine became the first divers' watch in the world. For more than sixty years, the Seamaster line has perpetuated OMEGA's maritime legacy - above and below the surface.

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Reasons For Popularity Of Amber Jewelry

Amber jewelry has bedecked womenfolk from centuries till date. In some families, the amber jewelry is passed as a priced possession from one generation to another. But what is more intriguing is that this fashion statement of the past is finding many takers today. There are reasons that amber jewelry is enjoying the limelight.

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Though modernization has made an impact on our psyche, some beliefs are so deep rooted that they are hard to ignore. One such belief revolves around amber. It is believed that this gem of nature can ward off evils. Till date many women tend to feel cornered at the helm of affairs. They attribute it to evil eye and seek solace by following past rituals and customs. One reason many women yearn to have the amber jewelry is to keep such problems at bay. They consider amber jewelry to be a good omen. So the demand for such jewelry is consistently increasing.

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People often say that everything that is offered by nature is a masterpiece by itself. But how often would you be able to wear it? You get one such unique opportunity with amber. The simple tree resin survives through ages, toughens itself and earns the radiance to become amber. Amber takes as long as 40 to 60 million years to take form. This inspires a sense of mysticism and instills a deep desire to possess it.

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Jewelry designing is a rage today like never before. From expensive pieces reserved for the elite to the simple magnificence for every woman, jewelry is a joy to possess. It has the unique gift of enhancing the beauty of every woman. This makes the jewelry absolutely endearing and irresistible. While the fashion world is consciously developing new designs to please the demanding crowd, some trends of the past are re-sounding their presence. One such voice from the olden days is that of amber jewelry.

Amber jewelry is stunning. If simple living and high thinking is your way of life, amber jewelry blends effortlessly with your lifestyle. So the next time you want to buy jewelry, simply think amber jewelry.

Anything that is beautiful and stylish is bound to be expensive. Amber jewelry is an exception to this rule. The fine handmade amber jewelry comes at affordable costs. They are also easy to buy. All you have to know is to differentiate genuine amber jewelry from the rest. Unfortunately even many shop owners and even museums are being fooled into buying amber imitations. If you want to play it safe, purchase from trustworthy sources. Go by references and also do your part of the research in finding them.

Amber jewelry comes in stunning colors and why not? Natural amber itself comes in many colors based on the trees from which they have been derived. Be it green, blue, red or brown, amber will make you feel spoilt for choice. Amber jewelry today sees some changes too. The natural amber is subjected to many processes to enhance its beauty. This makes them far more compatible with jewelry adding to the elegant look.

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Reason of Buying The Inexpensive Costs of Replica Watches on 1-swissreplica

By Haitang Yu on February 22, 2011

Swatch Group MexicoSwatch Group Mexico started an ambitious reorganization process, and, despite the clear signs of a global financial crisis, kept a high level of sales through a number of strategic marketing and retail initiatives. Breguet, Blancpain,cartier love charity bracelet, and Omega had an outstanding presence in the second edition of the Salon of High Watchmaking, as did Glashutte Original, who started operations at the Rolex replica watches subsidiary this year. Exclusive James Bond avant premiere events were hosted in cities across the country, culminating in a dazzling VIP cocktail party at the Omega boutique. Rado sponsored the ceremony The Icons of Design,cartier love bracelet yellow gold price, in the presence of outstanding personalities of the architectural and design world. For the seventh consecutive year, Longines granted the Elegance is an Attitude Award, in recognition of selfless assistance to others, this time to Rosa Ileana Perez-Nieto de Bojorquez, chairman of the board of the Children's Hospital in Tabasco. Mido's 90th anniversary celebration was held at the Rolex daytona replica magnificent Grand Hotelin Mexico City,attended by Urs Breiter,Swiss ambassador to Mexico.

Tissot enhanced its brand presence with mini-car races at the "Televisa Teleton" in aid of funding rehabilitation centers for physically disabled children. ck watch & jewelry participated in the opening of a CKU (Calvin Klein Underwear) boutique at the fashionable Antara Commercial Center. Swatch event participation included the Aca Fashion Nextel, staged by popular Latin artists, and the X-treme Adventure series in Hidalgo, promoting "Parkour", a sport linked directly to the new Chrono Plastic collection. Swatch Group Panama Swatch Group Panama continued to pursue its mission for Swatch Group as the Rolex datejust Replica coordination center for regional activities in Latin America and theCaribbean.2008wasayear of increased brand awareness for all brands, with events across the region raising brand image and consequently growing sales. Breguet, Blancpain, Glashutte Original and Omega participated in the most important watch event in Latin America, the Salon Internacional de Alta Relojeria 2008 in Mexico City.

Breguet organized a successful VIP Collectors event in Argentina. In Panama, Omega celebrated its 160 years of innova- tion with its Constellation Omega 160 Years, in the presence of top model Cindy Crawford. Tissot held two important promotional events in Colombia and Peru and sponsored many sports events in Argentina, including kite surf, rugby, rally, soccer, motocross and karting. The brand also sponsored Mr. Jean Phillippe Patthey's Transamerica Expedition, with press conferences in main cities across the region. Longines gained market share in the sport segment and enjoyed exceptional visibility in tennis events in Colombia, Chile and Uruguay. Rado presented its new collection at its Latin American and Caribbean Meeting in Bariloche, Argentina. Mido celebrated its 90th anniversary with high recognition in all Latin American markets.

Certina had a great year, and is now seen as one of the best options for sports watches. ck watch & jewelry participated in the Rolex day-date Replica renowned Bogota Fashion Show in Colombia, and also held product launch events in Argentina and Venezuela. Swatch organized The Club Event for the implementation of The Club in Argentina and Chile and sponsored X-Fighters and the Swatch FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour 2008 in Brazil. Swatch Group Australia2008 was an exciting year for Swatch Group Australia, with the major sports partnerships of Omega, Longines and Tissot leading to excellent image awareness across the region. Focus on distribution and quality presentation at the point of sale throughout the year also paid off, with increase in sales experienced by all brands. Major marketing campaigns around its involvement as Official Timekeeper of the Rolex submariner replica Beijing Olympic Games and appearance in the James Bond movie Quantum of Solace helped strengthen Omega's leading position in the prestige and luxury segment.

Focus on independent retailers and expansion of shop-in-shops led to excellent sales increases for Rado, with the brand's image boosted still further in March at a prestige event in Sydney for the launch of the Ceramica XL. Longines reinforced its position as the leading Australasian brand, consolidating the introduction of its sports collection in 2007 and strengthening its image still further across the market by installing another fourteen shop-in-shops. For the seventh consecutive year, Longines was Official Watch of the Rolex airking replica prestigious Melbourne Cup Carnival, this time with the new Longines Admiral collection. Starting in February 2008, Tissot partnered with the Australian Football League (AFL) to become the Official Watch and Official Timekeeper. Tissot was also the major sponsor and Official Timekeeper at the widely broadcast Australian MotoGP in Phillip Island. ck watch & jewelry continued distribution expansion and expe- rienced exceptional sales growth both in watches and jewelry.

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Former Owner Of Fred Leighton Seeks To Reorganize

By Shen Yun on August 06, 2010

Former Owner of Fred Leighton Seeks to Reorganize
july 9 (Bloomberg) -- Jeweler Ralph O. Esmerian, whose pieces have adorned celebrities and appeared in museums, asked a bankruptcy judge for permission to reorganize his New York-based company.

Esmerian, the former owner of vintage jeweler Fred Leighton, is fighting an effort by creditors to liquidate R. Esmerian Inc. in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The jeweler today asked the court to convert that case to a voluntary reorganization under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code's Chapter 11, UK UGG boots online shopwhich is typically used by companies that expect to cut debt and emerge from court protection.

"Its continued operation is critical to maximizing the value of its assets and the recovery to its creditors," Esmerian said in court papers. He also asked U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert D. Drain to appoint an examiner to oversee the bankruptcy case.

In May, creditors including Stewardship Credit Arbitrage Fund LLC, Stewardship Credit Arbitrage Fund Ltd. and Northlight Fund LP filed an involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition against R. Esmerian Inc., claiming they are owed a total of $40 million.

Creditor attorney Sean C. Southard didn't immediately return a call for comment.

Under Chapter 7, the court appoints a trustee who takes over a company and liquidates its assets. When creditors file an involuntary bankruptcy case against a company, the business has the right to challenge the petition.

Previous Bankruptcy

U.S. retailers' sales at stores open at least a year fell 1.6 percent in the year ended Jan. 30, after dropping 1.3 percent a year earlier, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers, a New York-based trade group that tracks more than 30 chains,cartier love bracelet replica yellow gold, excluding Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Sales at luxury retailers dropped 9.1 percent and 8.3 percent in those periods, respectively,cartier love bangle price list, the ICSC said.

Esmerian previously filed for bankruptcy in April 2008 on behalf of the retail jeweler he owned, Fred Leighton Inc., in an effort to block Merrill Lynch & Co. from auctioning his family's jewels to pay off a $178 million loan. Fred Leighton Holding Inc. liquidated inventory and had its Chapter 11 reorganization plan confirmed in November.

Esmerian no longer owns the company, Merrill attorney Howard R. Hawkins Jr., with the law firm Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, said in an e-mail.

Fourth Generation

Fred Leighton jewelry has been worn by actress Niaccording to the company's website.

Esmerian, the fourth-generation leader of the family business, became known for selling colored gemstones and rare vintage brooches and necklaces by Cartier and Tiffany & Co. He stocked the shelves at retailers around the U.S., including Neiman Marcus and Van Cleef & Arpels. He's also chairman emeritus of New York's American Folk Art Museum.

The case is In re R. Esmerian Inc., 10-12719, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

--With assistance from Cotten Timberlake, Tiffany Kary and Philip Boroff in New York. Editors: Andrew Dunn, Mike Hytha.

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Cartier Watches for Women - A Helpful Guide

By Jared Andrews on November 29, 2010

Are you looking into Cartier watches for women, either for yourself or for that special someone? Congratulations. Cartier makes truly iconic timepieces - watches that stand virtually alone as the most renowned, luxurious, and beautiful.

It was Louis Cartier's lifelong quest to create watches that were the "perfect balance between aesthetics, structure, and function," and while he died in 1942, each of today's lines of Cartier watches for women continue to embody that mission.

What to Choose - Styles & Investment

As you can gather, the question of which watch to purchase doesn't have a real answer. It's a choice best left to the buyer based on preferences of style, price, shape, and other factors. Here is a helpful summary of some of Cartier's more well known models.

Roadster: The Roadster line first hit the scene back in 2001 as a throwback to the sports cars of the 1950s and 1960s. It has a racy look with sleek curves, much as you'd see on a classy car. The Roadster's shape is much like the timeless Tortue model, though in general tends to be less expensive.

Tortue: The Tortue was designed as a woman's watch. Actually, the first men's Tortue came out in 1928, more than 15 years after the ladies watch first became available. This line is stunningly curvaceous and is a legendary shape exceedingly precious to collectors. The high price is indicative of this.

Tank: Tank was first released in 1917, and is still around today - it is yet another of Cartier's timeless lines. Simple but alluring, Tank has a rectangular face but includes a variety of "sub-styles" like Americaine, Francaise, Solo, Divan and others. Each style varies by shape of the rectangle,cartier love bracelet replica real gold, varying from long... to wide... to almost square. Prices differ widely within the Tank sub-styles as well.

Tankissime: While certainly similar to Tank's basic shape and style, Tankissime is in a class by itself. It is an extraordinarily elegant watch with a sleek silver or gold band perhaps better called a bracelet. The band is often studded with diamonds making it one of Cartier's most exquisite and valuable timepieces. The Tankissime tends to carry a five figure price tag making it one of the most expensive Cartier watches for women.

Pasha: Pasha is among Cartier's oldest lines, but offers a wide selection of styles (and prices) more than able to serve modern tastes too. It was originally designed as a swimming watch with its sleek, circular design that is inherently durable and water resistant. As opposed to several other models the Pasha face has numbers, rather than roman numerals.

Santos: Santos exemplifies the timelessness of Cartier with a presentation as current today as it was more than a century ago when unveiled in 1904. The face embraces fine geometric form with its iconic square inside a rectangle design. Rounded corners give the timepiece a feel of flow and energy.

Where to Buy - Traditional or Internet Retailer

When you're purchasing an expensive watch,cartier love charity bracelet, regardless of whether it's a Cartier or Rolex or any other luxurious brand, the most important thing is to deal with someone you trust. Not only to stay away from fakes and replicas, but for several other reasons as well.

For one, you definitely need to make certain you're getting the full manufacturer's warranty as well as any authenticity certificates that come with it.

It's also important to understand what recourse you have available in the event that you decide to send it back... especially if it's a gift. Sure, it's difficult to imagine a woman who would not appreciate a Cartier, but with so many models she may not want to settle for anything less than the perfect one.

Also, in the rare event of a defect, it helps to be dealing with a seller you trust.

Bottom line... be certain you've explored the policies of a retailer you're looking into, and make sure you're satisfied with them.

There are many large online retailers who are accustomed to these concerns and have policies to ensure their customers are confident and happy, before and after they buy. While traditional retailers vary, your local high-end jeweler is typicallt just as committed to your satisfaction.

Naturally, price is also important. I've found that while it's nice to be able to examine a watch at a store, buying over the internet is generally a surefire route to getting the best deal. Fortunately, a lot of these companies also have exceptional reputations, client-focused policies, and great prices.

They make it simple to look through collections of ladies Cartier watches (like the ones above), while guaranteeing you'll be getting an authentic, satisfaction guaranteed timepiece.

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Some fashion accessories have come of age, like the latest fashion they bring on the new trends and create a niche for an acceptable style statement. No matter what the occasion is it is always suitable to wear some cubic zirconia jewelry. Maybe it is the celebrities in cinema or on television, or the rock stars that have made fans scramble for the kind of accessories they wear. But some of them have popularized designs of the cubic zirconia jewelry in the last one decade. Used for different events-some prestigious, some not so prestigious, they are able to add more style to their personalities. With the amalgamation of different precious and semi-precious stones, beads, corals and now even crystals this jewelry has become acceptable to many women universally. With a dash of color or even without it many patterns have set trends. A single diamond set in a ring and a matching pendant and earring is a classic taste that many women choose, if they are not fashionable. In fact this is one of the best ways to step out in the evening even though one has no clue to the latest fashion. It is a safe bet complementing several outfits. It is always well stocked in several stores in case the need arises to buy them urgently.

cz jewelry sets gold |By Mark Colline on August 20, 2010

One of the best ways to use these potent accessories is to have different pendants with or without stones in several types of cubic zirconia jewelry. Since they are affordable the jewel box can have many options. Some of them if they are well kept, they can last a lifetime too. This jewelry is also set to various occasions that come annually. Hence, quite often one finds that on the eve of Valentine's Day there are several heart shaped jewelry on display. Various forms of Cupid can be seen endorsed in many designs. When Halloween and Christmas are approaching one can see elements like pumpkin shapes, hollies, santas or religious themes appear in the window displays. Likewise when a couple is to get married one can get customized set of jewelry too. Cubic zirconia is malleable and can be used for many occasions and events. And if there isn't one that you can find then they can be custom made too. One can get personalized jewelry sets too-all beautifully packaged as eternal gifts. For a timeless occasion buy a bright heart shaped or a solitaire diamond set that will be remembered long after the occasion is gone.

Christmas Jewelry A Very Valuable Ornamental Item

cz wedding rings white gold |By Michael Fritze on July 29, 2011

Christmas jewelry is unique. The jewelry has various designs and themes. You can choose beautiful earrings or a necklace or even a brooch. You can choose the designs such as Santa Claus or reindeer or Christmas tree shaped jewelry. Most of these jewelries have proper colors. Some of them are studded with precious gems. The colors, designs and shapes of these jewelries are what make them different from the other jewelries available in the market. The themes of the jewelry for Christmas are literally eye catching.

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There are various stores from where you can get these jewelries. You should find the best places from where you can buy them at reasonable prices. During Christmas or after Thanksgiving Day there are numerous options through which you can get these jewelries. You can get them from Black Friday offers or you can even buy them during Cyber Mondays. These options are very handy as you can save a lot of money and time. There are even other options that you can avail. You should visit jewelry stores and search for the type of jewelry that you are looking for. You can even search the Internet to find a particular piece of jewelry.

Most of these jewelries are designed in such a way that you can wear them with any type of dress or during any type of party. They indeed add to your fashion statement. These types of jewelries are also meant for gifting to your near and dear ones. While buying jewelry for someone you should consider the taste of that person. You should know what type of jewelry that person really likes to wear and how frequent she wears them.

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Before buying Christmas jewelry you should know about the prices. For that you must do a proper research. You should search the Internet to get proper idea about the prices of different types of jewelries available for Christmas. You can also get to know about the designs of such jewelries and about the various types' brands that are available in the market. You must know how these jewelries are designed so that you can order for a particular design. You can check for the latest designs. You should know about the different type's services that these designers offer for making such jewelries. Never try to choose a piece of jewelry without surveying other stores. The more you survey the more better items you will get.

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What's Ahead

By Jacqueline Smith on August 09, 2010

(1)Responsibility of Journalists

Campaign fund-raising and advertising are a complex and integral aspect of the election process. Journalists who are knowledgeable about campaign finance and advertising can serve their audiences and positively affect political advertising. By understanding the laws governing the content and funding of Cartier Pasha Replica political advertisements, discerning the differences among the three types of political ads, and learning how to analyze ads effectively, reporters can help their viewers and listeners dissect and digest the information they receive from candidates, parties, and issue advocacy groups. As a result,cartier love ring rose gold price, the public can make informed and educated decisions on election day. Ad watching also may help encourage accuracy and honesty in political advertising. When stations neglect these responsibilities, the public can be misled.

(2)Products versus Candidates

Conventional wisdom says that candidates for political office are now sold to the electorate like cigarettes or soap. There is some truth to the claim. Both manufacturers and politicians develop mass media campaigns to persuade us to act as they wish. Both manufacturers and politicians seek to create name recognition and employ differentiation, association, audience participation, and repetition to communicate their messages. Both rely on campaigns that are centrally coordinated by people issuing many messages—or a single message to many media—across an extended period of time to accomplish a specific objective. Both condense their messages into slogans.

Politicians are not soap or cigarettes, however, and the campaigns for products and politicians have contrasting functions, values, regulations, and financing. In this chapter we focus on these differences to indicate the peculiar limitations operating on those who would influence the outcome of a political campaign; we also examine the re-sources available to them. By contrasting political and product campaigns, we hope to increase understanding of both.

(3)Using the Media

A political campaign's use of media is more short-lived and more intense than a campaign on behalf of a product. We may see the ads for a specific product, such as Ivory Soap, for decades. As long as the product holds a share of the market the manufacturer considers acceptable, the product will stay on the market. We use soap all year,cartier love bracelet price 2011, so advertising for soap appears year-round. A political Cartier Pasha Replica Watches campaign is more akin to an ad campaign for a seasonal product, such as a brand of Christmas tree ornaments.

A political campaign is relatively short. Only rarely does a candidate for statewide office begin to air commercials more than three months before the election. Usually, ads appear in the last four to six weeks, and the number of ads increases as the date of the election approaches. By contrast, a three-month campaign for a product would be a very short campaign. Often producers spend more than three months just testing the product and then spend additional time testing the commercials that will market the product. The short duration of the typical political campaign is one of the campaign's major liabilities because it is difficult to create or change people's attitudes in a short period of time. Consequently, contenders are announcing their candidacy earlier than they once did, and speculation about likely candidates begins the day after each inauguration.

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Swiss Rolex Replica Watches Are Accurate Fakes of The Originals

By Haitang Yu on March 04, 2011 0

Rolex is using famous personalities for its campaign,cartier love ring white gold size 56, but the concept is different from theone we just described. In fact, the "Rolex" brand name is already so famous that their campaign's main goal is not to gain notoriety but to fully express and develop furthermore the identity of the brand. Perfectly in line with the Rolex seadweller replica idea of a long term strategy, Rolex uses a selective marketing strategy which goal is to target very directly the desired customer.

They do not use artists that are "hot in the moment" to have periodically picks of sales linked to the use of the superstar. On the contrary, the chosen celebrities have a sustainable character. In fact, Rolex ambassadors are famous only in "niche" activities like golf, equestrian and sailing just to name a few and are unlikely to provoke demonstration because most of the time they are unknown by the general public. Moreover, Rolex is diversifying its basic risk of having "a bad ambassador" away thanks to numerous outstanding ambassadors and exceptional events under contract. Choosing ambassadors is not an easy task but Rolex has developed a talent to discover future champions.

They find out young talents at Rolex prince replica their very beginning and accompany them until they become great champions. They are so good that they even inspired other brands sometimes in their choice. For example, Roger Federer, the young Swiss tennis player that actually ranks number one was representing Rolex a long time before being famous and is now since June 2004 representing Maurice Lacroix. Tiger Woods, best golf player worldwide, switched from Rolex second brand Tudor to Tag Heuer in 2002 and James Bond accomplished many mission with its Rolex before switching for Omega. In fact, as Annex V: Rolex Ambassadors shows, they beat all records not only because of the length of the list but also because of the Rolex milgauss replica quality of the people representing them. All of them are considered as references in their field and are recognized for their achievements. Therefore, Rolex is the incarnation of success, accomplishment and going beyond one's limits. It is definitely the watch people buy when they have achieved something in their life.

The design of the watch went through so minor changes that it is recognizable at first sight and most people could identify a Rolex very easily. At the same time, they will assume the person wearing it is an achiever and that he/she can afford it to buy a Rolex watch. The main drawback of this strategy is that there is only one little step from the noble status of success and achievement due to hard work, talent,cartier love ring white gold diamond, passion, tenacity and courage to the Rolex masterpiece replica very negative aspect of easy money and new riches who want to show off their fortune. In fact, this barrier has often been crossed and the name of Rolex is often pejoratively linked to the image of new rich who needs this kind of accessories to prove they are successful.

The image of an "arrogant" Rolex showing off sounds very contradictory with the low profile and humility of Rolex's top managers, but the brand is now strongly associated with symbolic consumption. Even ex prime minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew explained that for shirts to sell in China, the Rolex gmtmaster replica left sleeve must be cut an inch shorter as the newly rich Chinese wants to show off their Rolex watches. Rolex has a very large range of communication themes, among them dance, equestrian, exploration, golf, racing, sailing, tennis, jazz, opera and classical music. What is more, Rolex is robustly involved in philanthropy: it is the initiator of a mentoring program, the Rolex Mentor and Protege Arts Initiative, launched in 2002 as well as the Rolex Awards for Enterprises launched in 1978. The first one is a unique program, filling a void in art philanthropy, which gives five gifted young artists the opportunity to collaborate with contemporary masters.

The disciplines covered are dance, literature, music, theatre arts and visual arts. The Rolex yachtmaster replica second one is "aimed at fostering a spirit of enterprise around the world, and recognize pioneering concepts and innovative thought by giving individuals the means to carry out a major undertaking. Aimed at fostering a spirit of enterprise around the world, the Rolex Awards recognizes pioneering concepts and innovative thought by giving individuals the means to carry out a major undertaking" .

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Alternative Metal Jewelry Trends For Men

Promoted at this year's Milan Men's Fashion Week, chunky alternative metal jewelry for men including pendants, necklaces and chains are the trend to follow. Though many may think it is a bit unusual trend, high-end designers like Armani and Vivienne Westwood presented collections with bold and chunky alternative metal jewelry for men.

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Solid metal jewelry

Chunky pendants, necklaces and chains

Whether it texture, shape or design, alternative metal jewelry for men that gives a bold and powerful statement are said to get hot this year. Brands like Bulgari, Tiffany & Co. and D&G Jewels appear to have started offering alternative metal jewelry for men that are not only stylish but also very bold. Alternative metal jewelry for men, especially stainless steel jewelry, is very versatile when it comes to detailed designs and can meld beautifully with gemstones and other metals which make it perfect for statement accessories for men. It seems that the age of simple and bland accessories is ending due to growing choices offered by alternative metal jewelry for men.

Though plain and classic looking, solid metal alternative jewelry is gone far more interesting over the years. And experts say that their favorite material for alternative metal jewelry for men in 2011 is stainless steel. Versatile and durable, stainless steel jewelry proves to be every man's best friend as it can enhance a lot of styles and matches almost anything, more so when it is on solid metal form.

For 2011, here are some of the predicted trends in alternative metal jewelry for men:

Now that there is a lot of choices available due to the continued growth in popularity of alternative metal jewelry for men (particularly, stainless steel jewelry), men's fashion, like everything else, is evolving. After decades of stagnant trends and limited selections, men can once again express themselves and finally own their personal style with the use of alternative metal jewelry.

Statement accessories

Men's style is very different to women's. Most men want modest designs yet still have enough appeal to attract attention. They tend to use accessories like ties and belts to break the unvariedness of their style. And as time progressed, some men learned to accessorize wearing stainless steel jewelry including rings, cufflinks and pendants to enhance their looks, no longer bound by the tired classic fashion.

Though precious metal jewelry is popular to both sexes, alternative metal jewelry for men got a particularly positive reaction due to the distinct properties of the metals. Alternative metal jewelry, which includes stainless steel jewelry, titanium jewelry and tungsten carbide jewelry, has become a vogue in the past decade in men's fashion, with more and more contemporary mid-range and high-end designers getting on the bandwagon.

925 sterling silver mens necklace |By Lina Lambert on August 04, 2011

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Really Being Sleek With Various Pandora Jewelry

Pearl is mostly a miracle in ocean, persons commonly calls it "stones at the moon". It just right shows a superb character of your lady. Amongst a great number of Pandora packages, pearl could be the only adornment having life method. It produces soft light alone. Pearly women can certainly still emitting a dazzling luster right after experiencing many different annoyances together with sufferings later on in life. These style girls are remarkable landscapes on this planet. They should be recognized.

Numerous Pandora jewelers harmonize with completely different girls. It cannot only show the principles as well as beauties of style Pandora jewelry, but absolutely show the initial charms along with attract of girls as long as they wear proper Pandora jewellery. Distinctive Pandora jewellery can show different temperaments associated with a lady. While we like to wear a Christmas costume with fashion Pandora jewelry, we have to figure out what different types of nature you have to replicate. Diamonds Pandora jewellery make us much more shining and noble; gold Pandora jewellery make us a lot more elegant and regal; silver Pandora jewelry show the straightforward although gracious temperaments of females, pearl Pandora jewelry highlight pure in addition to fresh identity on the woman.

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Diamond is short for a large number of best wishes of women, so it's very fashionable with women. Diamond consists of really like and eternity, so many women like wearing diamonds rings to get hired to play marriage. Every little bit of diamond Pandora jewelry is exclusive. Wearing exclusive diamond Pandora jewellery can teach you totally different.

Even though silver adornments are deprived of a luxury as well as recreational flavor of gold together with diamonds, they've already concise in addition to crisp lines. They can indeed be extremely delicate and elegant, providing people with a relaxing and ample feeling. You can experience this sort of feeling from Pandora jewelry story. It's like dazzling and also delightful spring. Life-style made for the masses due to quality. If your lady contains a personality of silver, then although she's fairly ordinary, this wonderful woman has a wonderful charm. These style women are like quiet orchids in the deep valley, releasing the frequent scents of life around the time river. Assuming that she steps into your heart, you won't ever readily forget.

Shopping Alternatives For Purchasing Your Costume

If you happened to have chosen a superb coordination of colors, even the cheapest jewelry can appear additional stunning and elegant than you are able to envision and this is why you must normally have variety of colors and styles of jewelries within your jewelry box for effortless accesses and be prepared whenever and whatever the occasions. You may do this mainly because costume jewelry is reasonably priced and readily offered inside the markets.

Costume jewelries can come into vast styles and qualities with costs from inexpensive to high priced based on their brand names and materials utilized. You can find styles of, just to name couple of, Hollywood styles where the trends are getting substantiated and influenced by Hollywood Stars of whom and how and where they're worn. We also know that the costume jewelries are made from numerous supplies of both man created, natural with mixture of precious metals and synthetic gems or natural gem stones or vise versa.

Usually, the important point for the coordination of your outfits and jewelry is always to match by the major color of jewelry gems/stones and the very best technique to coordinate is utilizing complementary color comparison technique. That's, for instance, greenish colors of outfits with rubies and orange and/or reddish colors of outfits with sapphires will surely point the jewelry really distinctively with lovely coordination. In general, colorful stones will go nicely with medium tones of grey, brown and pale yellow outfits. Pearls and opals will go nicely with black and single colored outfits but will also nicely match with pastel colored outfits for fine and smooth coordination.

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When you've identified the style you liked, be sure to check the good quality of its' finish as well as the gems/stones for their color, clarity, cut and flawlessness just like you'd to decide on for diamonds and gems. You will find so significantly much better qualities available in the very same or lesser value with enormous assortment of styles. So, shop around mainly because it's fun to select either from the stores or on the internet on line shopping shops.

Next may be the problem where and ways to opt for the right styles and colors for yourself when you'll find so many from unique styles to antique and contemporary styles to select and with a lot of outlets and shops or from on the web shops to choose from. In most occasions, men and women have a tendency to get on impulse as they walk pass by means of shops. This is fine but wouldn't it be wise and extra interesting to compare the rates and qualities considering that there are actually a lot of available readily offered these days? And, in the event you happened to obtain a style be one of a kind or not and together with your liking, that may be an absolute added bonus.

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Lastly and not in the least, you'd also have to consider the material of outfits. For example, the usual light and thin summer clothing is going to be best for the light and uncomplicated jewelries instead of dull and stout styles and also the delicate, bright, intelligent styles is going to be much more suitable as oppose to plain and heavy designs for the thick winter clothing.

You knew all this but for those who had been not familiar with this suggestive rules, attempt for your self and I am positive you'll be much more satisfied than ever with uplifted style, charm and elegance and will absolutely make you stand out inside the crowds and envied.

handmade crystal necklace |By Jenny More on August 22, 2011